Kylie Geer ‘22
City: Washington, D.C.
Tenure: 2018-2023
HFD ID: 397
Number: (860) 819-0515
Linkedin: Kylie Geer
Bio: After graduation, Kylie was a patient care associate on an inpatient cardiology unit while applying for programs to become a physician assistant. This meant she checked vital signs, tested blood sugar levels, took EKGs, and helped with daily care for the patients. Now, Kylie is moving down to Washington, DC and starting classes to become a physician assistant at George Washington University. While preparing to move, she has been training for her first Spartan race!
Advice/Memory: “Being part of HFD was by far my favorite and most valuable experience at Colgate. Enjoy the moment and give it all you've got! I made great lifelong friends at the department and will never forget the Saturdays of ice rescue and live burn trainings that were always amazing.“
Dylan Hercher ‘13
City: Berkeley, CA
Tenure: 2009-2013
HFD ID: 313
Bio: Dylan currently works in software engineering in California.